Monday, April 27, 2015

Self Repressing

Self Repressing

Self Repressing
As I write, words come
into my mind which I think are apt.
Sometimes the thoughts are racial and sometimes overly
critical of women who will not admit their primary role in
life is to bring humanity forward and men’s role in this
Is as tiny as the penis of a mouse.

And we have Arabs who feel neglected since we do not
want to adopt a religion based on heresy and ignorance.
Not to forget the Jews who feel the world owns them a living
for the holocaust which the Palestinians have to pay for,
and cleverly their politicians averted our eyes, we who are
guilty of neglect and
have a free passes providing we sing theirs

songs of their
suffering and endless reparations.

Sunday, April 26, 2015




Perfect omelette 
three eggs and three spoons
of cold water.
a pinch of salt.
butter in the frying pan
whisper the eggs softly
let the omelette it time to mature,
then if you must add cheese or bacon
fold it and let it
gently slide on your plate. and eat it
with love in your heart.

the friend

The Friend
I dislike morbidity the end of the world prophets,
yet there was a knock on my door, they were clearing
boulders from the field where I had buried my dog
between to big rocks, opened the bag a black bin liner
she was there ok, white bones and

This was a perfect Hamlet moment, but I’m not Yurok
and to use her head as a desk ornament was not on. 
There are no secrets in a hamlet, they knew the dog
remains belonged to me and I left the bag in the shed
till my wife discovered it. For the time being the dog’s bones
are in the back of my car, when driving I often see her face
in the back mirror, she wants closure. What we had is
memories something of no consequence the love
we shared, the flash when dog and man are in harmony